What is a Parks, Culture & Active Living Masterplan Document?
A Parks, Culture & Active Living Masterplan is a comprehensive long-term strategy document created to guide the development, management, and enhancement of parks, recreational facilities, cultural spaces, and related programs and services. The purpose of the Masterplan is to ensure that community needs are met sustainably, and that facilities and programs remain accessible, inclusive, and aligned with future population growth, trends and environmental considerations.
What will the plan include?
The Parks, Culture & Active Living Masterplan will include a vision and goals for the future, an inventory and assessment of current resources, demographic and trend analysis for future needs, recommendations for new facilities and improvements, strategies for funding and partnerships, a focus on environmental sustainability and a detailed implementation plan with timelines and cost estimates.
Didn’t I just share my thoughts about parks, recreation and culture?
The Town is developing an updated Municipal Development Plan (MDP) called “Envision Cochrane 2050”. The MDP describes a long term future for Cochrane across a variety of topics including parks, recreation and culture. The MDP also addresses housing, municipal services, economic development and other areas. We did conduct some engagement as Envision Cochrane 2050 was developed. The Parks, Culture & Active Living Masterplan is much more specific than the MDP; its horizon of ten to fifteen years is much more immediate as well. Because of these differences, we need to ask you some other questions.
Why are we updating this plan now?
The existing master plans that the Town has are each over ten years old. Cochrane has changed a lot in that time as has the interests and needs of town residents. Developing an up-to-date Master Plan is important. Additionally, Cochrane’s Municipal Development Plan (Envision Cochrane 2050) is almost finished and it provides some broad guidelines under which this Masterplan will align.
How will this updated plan be different from the original plan?
The Parks, Culture & Active Living Masterplan is a comprehensive document that integrates three key initiatives—the Parks, Recreation & Culture Masterplan, the Connectivity Plan (Active Transportation & Trails plan), and the Bow River Strategy—into one cohesive vision.
How are future needs determined?
The information gathered through the engagement activities is extremely important when determining the community’s needs. In addition, we analyze population growth, demographic changes and trends in recreation and culture to predict future needs.
What recommendations are included in this new plan?
The plan identifies new facilities (including indoor and outdoor spaces), facility upgrades, and improvements in accessibility and connectivity in our trails and pathways. Other recommendations will relate to balancing the community’s use of parks and open space with ecological sustainability; recreation tourism; and recreation and cultural programming.
How will the plan be funded?
Funding may come from municipal budgets, provincial or federal grants, and partnerships with local organizations or private businesses.
How does the plan address environmental sustainability?
We ensure parks and facilities are developed responsibly, promoting biodiversity and conservation.
What do trail and pathway improvements mean and how does that relate to the Bow River?
The Parks, Culture & Active Living Masterplan will include elements that address connectivity around the community on trails and pathways. People use Cochrane’s trails and pathways (and sidewalks) for recreation and to get from one place to another in town using bicycles, scooters, and by walking. The Plan will consider how well connected all these trails and pathways are and where improvements are needed. We want to have the best network possible so people can get from one place to another (including access to the Bow River) without having to rely on motorized transportation.
Will this Masterplan include guidelines for the Bow River?
Access to the Bow River is governed by the Bow River Strategy (BRS) - a long-term vision that guides how Cochrane will enhance, protect, and invest in the Bow River Corridor—our town's most vital natural asset. This strategy will influence everything from the river's pathways to its economic and recreational opportunities, shaping a future where residents and visitors can fully enjoy the river for generations.