Your community, your future

Phase 2 engagement coming soon!

Phase two engagement for the Parks, Culture, and Active Living Master Plan will be launching soon! The focus of this next phase will be on gathering resident feedback to refine Plan priorities, outcomes and our vision for the future.

Last Fall our goal was to get a better understanding what the types of activities Cochranites are participating in and your satisfaction with parks, recreation, programs and activities available in Cochrane. This next phase is about prioritizing what we heard from you (refer to the Phase 1 What We Heard Report).

Stay tuned for more opportunities to have your say:

  • Phase 2 resident survey
  • Community group meetings
  • Community sounding boards and pop up events
  • Youth engagement opportunities

About the project

We’re developing a Parks, Culture & Active Living Master Plan (the Plan).

This Plan will guide how we develop and manage some of our most cherished spaces and help us make decisions about Cochrane's recreation and culture programs. The Plan will guide our planning over the next 10-15 years.

Your feedback is critical to help us build a plan that delivers on the priorities of our community. The Plan is scheduled to be completed in late 2025.

Why now?

Our current Parks, Open Spaces and Recreation Master Plans are more than 10 years old. And our community has changed significantly during this time.

A new master plan will reflect Cochrane today and help us plan for the next 10-15 years. Building on the feedback received through Envision Cochrane 2050, the Plan will help us prioritize investments in recreation, culture and parks. It will also identify improvements needed to our trail and pathway network, including how it connects to the Bow River.

The goal?

To create vibrant, accessible parks and recreational spaces that encourage healthy, active lifestyles while celebrating Cochrane's distinct culture and heritage. By considering how parks, culture and active living all work together, we can create a long-term and strategic plan that reflects our community’s needs.

There will be plenty of chances to get involved, and we can’t wait to hear from you!

Phase 2 engagement coming soon!

Phase two engagement for the Parks, Culture, and Active Living Master Plan will be launching soon! The focus of this next phase will be on gathering resident feedback to refine Plan priorities, outcomes and our vision for the future.

Last Fall our goal was to get a better understanding what the types of activities Cochranites are participating in and your satisfaction with parks, recreation, programs and activities available in Cochrane. This next phase is about prioritizing what we heard from you (refer to the Phase 1 What We Heard Report).

Stay tuned for more opportunities to have your say:

  • Phase 2 resident survey
  • Community group meetings
  • Community sounding boards and pop up events
  • Youth engagement opportunities

About the project

We’re developing a Parks, Culture & Active Living Master Plan (the Plan).

This Plan will guide how we develop and manage some of our most cherished spaces and help us make decisions about Cochrane's recreation and culture programs. The Plan will guide our planning over the next 10-15 years.

Your feedback is critical to help us build a plan that delivers on the priorities of our community. The Plan is scheduled to be completed in late 2025.

Why now?

Our current Parks, Open Spaces and Recreation Master Plans are more than 10 years old. And our community has changed significantly during this time.

A new master plan will reflect Cochrane today and help us plan for the next 10-15 years. Building on the feedback received through Envision Cochrane 2050, the Plan will help us prioritize investments in recreation, culture and parks. It will also identify improvements needed to our trail and pathway network, including how it connects to the Bow River.

The goal?

To create vibrant, accessible parks and recreational spaces that encourage healthy, active lifestyles while celebrating Cochrane's distinct culture and heritage. By considering how parks, culture and active living all work together, we can create a long-term and strategic plan that reflects our community’s needs.

There will be plenty of chances to get involved, and we can’t wait to hear from you!

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We need your input!

    Tell us about your experiences with parks, recreation and culture.  We want to understand what activities you enjoy, the parks, recreation and culture spaces you visit most often, your satisfaction with current opportunities and the community values that matter most to you. Your input is important to understanding the parks, recreation and cultural needs of our community today. 

    To better understand the future needs of our community, additional opportunities will be made available for you to have your say. 

    Share your thoughts and complete the ten-minute survey by November 4th.

    Protection of Privacy – This survey is anonymous, and respondents will not be identifiable. The information collected in this survey is collected in accordance with Section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the FOIP Act) and will be protected under Part 2 of that Act. It will be used for the purpose of developing a Town of Cochrane Parks, Culture & Active Living Masterplan. Should you require further information about the data collection or use of information, please contact the Town of Cochrane at or 403.851.7703.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Are you a community group looking to have input in our planning process? Express your interest for open opportunities to share your community group's needs in Cochrane.

    It’s been ten years since Cochrane updated its master plan for parks, recreation, sport, and connectivity—and we’ve never had a dedicated plan for culture until now! This new plan will guide the next decade of growth in these areas, and we need your input.

    As a community group, your insights are vital. We want to understand your needs and understand any challenges you face. In this phase of engagement, we’re asking for your thoughts on the current state of parks, recreation, sports, connectivity, arts, culture and heritage in Cochrane, as well as your vision for the future.

    What to expect:

    • Express your interest to participate by filling out this form
    • You'll receive an email confirming your interest
    • Every group will have an opportunity to fill out a detailed group survey
    • Some groups will be asked to participate in an interview, please know there are limited spots for interviews

     We kindly ask that each group designate one representative. 

    We're looking forward to connecting with you! Express your interest below so we can invite you to one of our upcoming sessions.

Page last updated: 24 Feb 2025, 01:59 PM