What's different about this next round of engagement?

    Earlier this year, we gathered feedback from residents about their experiences and expectations for Cochrane's transit service. In this current phase, we’ve introduced new Network & Service Design Planning Principles -  frequency, coverage and span - to guide the development of future transit options which will be presented to Council later this Fall. The planning principles considers the feedback from the community, standard transit practices and a thorough evaluation of COLT. Your input will help us to prioritize these principles

    Why do we need more surveys? Isn't it clear what needs to be done?

    Transit planning is more complex than it seems. While fixed routes have been identified as a priority, the second survey helps us decide how to implement them—whether we should focus on frequency (more buses on fewer routes) or coverage (more routes with less frequent buses). The survey also asks about your willingness to invest in these changes.

    Why not just use a system like ROAM?

    The ROAM system operates differently from Cochrane's COLT service. ROAM is a regional service funded by paid parking in Canmore and other municipalities, while COLT is funded by taxes, grants and rider fares. We’ve focused on transit systems with funding models similar to COLT to ensure any changes are financially feasible.

    Why don't we just implement a fixed route?

    When planning transit, there are multiple trade-offs. If we choose frequency over coverage, it means our routes are shorter and faster, but do not cover the community. With coverage, the routes are longer and cover more of the community. It's important that we hear from the community to understand how they feel about these trade-offs. Your feedback will be used to shape the concept options we'll share with Council this Fall.

    Why do I need to register to complete the survey?

    The Town of Cochrane asks participants to register to complete the survey to ensure there is one response per registrant and that every registrant lives in Cochrane. Participant responses are not tied to their information/registration in the survey report. It's also important for us to hear from a wide range of people, of all ages and backgrounds. By registering and providing voluntary demographic data, you help us to make sure the feedback we receive reflects the variety of people who live, work, and learn in Cochrane. 

    Why do I need to fill in my postal code?

    Asking for a postal code helps us ensure survey participants live in Cochrane. If you live in Cochrane and are having issues with the registration, please try to refresh your browser. If the issue continues, please email communications@cochrane.ca, we are happy to help!

    How will my information be collected and used?

    The Town of Cochrane collects information from you when you register to use this site. This includes your email address and any additional demographic information you provide on the registration form. You are only required to provide a username (which will appear publicly any time you make a contribution), email address (not displayed publicly) and postal code (also not displayed publicly). Your email address allows moderators to reach out to you if they need to. 

    Any demographic information we collect is so that we can:

    • Communicate information to you about engagement opportunities, events and other initiatives;
    • Respond to inquiries and otherwise engage with stakeholders; and
    • Accurately analyze and synthesize data

    How will my registration benefit me?

    Participants who register become part of our online community. They will be able to get involved in multiple projects and receive updates to stay informed.  Participants can choose their username and control what and when they contribute. By registering, you are also providing demographic data which helps The Town understand who we are reaching through digital engagement and where we can improve how we reach out to people.

    I don't want to register, how can I participate?

    Requiring an account ensures that the feedback comes from Cochrane residents, whose taxes fund the COLT service. It also allows up to make sure that there is one response per person. For convenience, paper copies of the survey are available at the Station, Library, and RancheHouse, and will also be printed in the local newspaper.